Monday, January 12, 2009

Since confession is supposedly good for the soul, here's what I did NOT do recently:

I did NOT save up several “Not me!” incidents from the last few weeks to share all in one fell swoop today; that would be cheating, which I DON’T do.

On Christmas Eve, desperate to get a good meal on the table after a day of errands, I did NOT find Indian Meal Moth caterpillars in my Tupperware rice container. I did NOT then rinse a cup of the infested rice at least five times and put it in the rice cooker. I also did NOT eat the rice and enjoy it immensely. Perhaps that little extra flavor was the reason - NOT!!! But I am certainly NOT not letting my husband buy rice again...

Also on Christmas Eve, I did NOT wait until 9:30 p.m. to begin wrapping gifts. That would mean I’m unorganized, which I’m NOT.

I did NOT yell down the hall, “Grammy has Cooties”, when trying to explain to my husband how my daughter knows how to play the Cooties game.

I did NOT laugh hysterically at my 3-year-old son in a sporting goods store when he turned on a treadmill while standing on it and got dumped off the back end at a high rate of speed. First off, I would NEVER let my child disobey me so far as to stand on the belt and get the machine turned on in the first place. Then, I would NEVER laugh at someone else’s misfortune.

I did NOT keep cutting my daughter’s long hair all the way to chin length after the shoulder-length attempt at the nape of her neck was crooked and needed fixing. At least I didn’t need to get the clippers out and just give her a buzz cut!

I did NOT nap twice already this week when there was laundry to be put away and dinner to be made. That would mean I’m not a perfect Proverbs 31 woman, which of course I AM.

And finally, I did NOT just nearly boil dry on the stove a greasy pan full of soapy water in an attempt to make its cleaning easier, just so I could get my “Not Me!” entry done before midnight, especially while heating a frozen entree in the microwave since I napped too long to make the home-cooked meal I’d planned for tonight. Nope, NOT me!


Penny said...

Thanks for popping over to my blog! Love visitors even if I am telling on myself.

Still giggling over the Grammy has cooties comment!

Hope to see you again soon!

Unknown said...

You are too funny! And you make me feel so normal for reading a book instead of doing the laundry I was SUPPOSED to be doing, too! :)